Signs that your Girlfriend is cheating......

 Signs that your Girlfriend is cheating......
A lack of trust can doom a perfectly good relationship to failure. Still, if you have good reasons for suspecting that your girlfriend is cheating on you, then the sooner you know, the better.
here are some signs which individually may not prove your gf is cheating on you. But if you can identify one or two of these signs in your relationship, the chances are good your gf is cheating on you.

1.she doesn’t answer certain phone calls when you’re around. They look especially panicked when the phone rings.

2.You notice a sudden change in their appearance, or they have an increased concern about how they look. Your gf probably has a new “reason” to look great, and that person is the most likely the one they’re cheating with."na this one pain me pass
let's analyze this part...
*when she wants to visit you *

* when she wants to visit brother mattew

imagine wickedness!!
this is a pure out!!

3.she begins to be increasingly critical of you, or blames you for cheating, even when you haven’t. This is a way of putting you on the defensive and making them feel better about what they are doing.

4.she hangs around with a “new best friend” of the opposite sex a lot, or spends time with his/her ex, but claims nothing is happening.nothing ko best friend ki lo de ?

5.She won’t let you anywhere near her phone and has it on lock down with the customized fingerprint phone lock in this case na only her fingerprints fit open the phone
brotherly ask your girlfriend what she is hiding

the above indicators are all meant to be warning signs. However, don’t turn your relationship into a situation where you feel you have to play detective. But if you notice multiple changes in behavior, routine or personality of the one you feel you love, and not just isolated incidences, you should confront them about these signs. You should always trust first, but don’t ignore red flags. Still, you can’t always trust your “gut feeling.” Sometimes it’s just jealously and insecurity creeping in. If you can’t trust someone over time, don’t date them. Remember, too much drama in your life is very destructive.

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