Some Places Where Use Of Phone Is Prohibited But People Dont Obey

The way people are obsessed with their phones nowadays is really alarming, it makes them lose control and not concentrate on most of the things they are doing. This is more common among youths and they dont obey rules regarding phone.

Here are some places where use of phone is prohibited but people in general dont obey.

1) Petrol station: many people make use of their phones in the petrol station despite the obvious sign that use of phone is strictly prohibited.

2) Bank: Most banks prohibit use of phone while you are inside their building but even the banks guards will only remaind you of the rule if they see that you are a poor man.

3) worshiping places: Most mosques and churches prohibit use of phone bt people dont even care to obey for once.

4) When driving: This is more disturbing you will see someone speeding in a car and making call or chatting or put headphones, i use to wonder whats the use of the car radio?

5)In class: we all know that even if you are not told to not use your phone while there is lecturer/teacher in your class you should not.

6)Taking your phone to toilet: Alot of people are guilty of this,they take their phones with them to toilet and make use of them therein, this is a bad habit and makes you stay longer than usual inside the toilet.

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