Nurseries told: 'stop separating young children by age'

Nurseries should be banned from placing the youngest children in “baby rooms” because the system damages infants’ long term development, according to a leading charity.

The current structure employed by many nurseries – in which children are separated according to their age – is too traumatic for toddlers to handle, it was claimed.

Experts warned that significant harm was caused when children were “moved up” into the older class, breaking the vital bonds they have formed with a specially-assigned member of staff in the baby room.

What About the Children?, a charity that campaigns for the rights of under-threes, said the split was as traumatic for young children as being separated from their mother for the first time.

This can often cause long-term psychological problems, it was claimed.

It called for all nurseries to use a system of “continuity care” in which particular members of staff follow the same children throughout their entire time at nursery – instead of just looking after those of a certain age.

The conclusions – to be made in a policy paper to be presented at the charity’s early years conference in London on Tuesday – will revive the debate over the best way to raise children amid a surge in the number of under-fives enrolled in formal childcare in the past 20 years.

Figures from the Department for Education show that 441,000 children under five were in day nurseries last year while another 272,000 were being looked after by childminders.

Ministers have consistently backed the use of high-quality early years care, with claims that more children should be enrolled in school-based nurseries from the age of two to make the transition to formal education easier.

But critics have questioned the overreliance on childcare, with one study last year by academics at Oxford University finding that children who spend time in nurseries were more likely to develop behavioural problems such as hyperactivity.

Currently, many nurseries separate children by age. The very youngest – those aged one or under – are normally placed in a “baby room” where staff can meet their needs away from often rowdy infants.

In most cases, children will be assigned to a “key worker” who will be expected to form bonds while at nursery, easing the transition from being away from their parents for the first time.

But What About the Children? (WATCh) said too many staff were only assigned to a certain age group, meaning children were left traumatised after being suddenly split from their key worker when they turn one. The process is amplified by the fact that children in some nurseries change rooms at each birthday or developmental milestone, it was claimed.

A 2011 New Zealand study has already found that inconsistent care and high staff turnover are barriers to creating quality childcare.

Sarah Heale, the charity’s director, said: “The traumatic effects of the loss of a mother are well known due to an increased understanding of attachment theory, coupled with the recent outpouring of neuroscience. If we accept this, then it follows that the loss of other carers, who spend significant amounts of time with an infant, will have a similar - albeit lesser - effect.”

She added: “WATCh wants to see nurseries making more effort to minimise key person changes for under-threes. This means putting in place a structure which puts children’s needs first instead of the one which is easiest to administer from a managerial point of view.”

The charity is calling for a “continuity of care” system to be run in all nurseries. This includes children who are assigned to the same “room” and key worker for their entire time at a nursery or the creation of “family groupings” in which children of mixed ages are looked after by the same person.

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