Admission seekers riot in Kwara Poly

Pandemonium ensued on Wednesday as a large group of admission seekers into the Kwara State Polytechnic, (Kwarapoly) Ilorin, protested non-inclusion of their names in the admission list for 2014/2015 session.
Nigerian Tribune gathered that the protesting applicants, made up of young men and women, besieged the main gate of the polytechnic and attempted to mount road blocks on the narrow highway, opposite the school, in the early hours. Eyewitness account said that it took combined efforts of men of the Nigeria Police, State Security Service, the security personnel and other security operatives before the situation was arrested from resulting into full-blown riot.
The deputy registrar (Information and Publications Divisions) of the institution, Moshood Amuda, in a press statement made available to Nigerian Tribune said the management of the polytechnic was disturbed by the action of the young men and women.
Meanwhile, the Students Union Government (SUG) of the institution have restated their commitment in maintaining peace on the campus, adding that they had no problem with the authority of the school.
The SUG also said that the applicants had gone too far by their attempt to disrupt the smooth-running of the polytechnic and peace of the neighbouring communities.
It is recalled that over 51,000 applicants are seeking admission into the polytechnic in the current session, while the school authorities said that it has a carrying capacity as prescribed by the NBTE, which it said the council and the management of the institution must adhere to.
The school’s deputy registrar also appealed for understanding of students, parents, guardians, applicants and the general public.

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