Unpaid allowances: UNILAG lecturers boycott classes

Academic activities were suspended at the University of Lagos (UNILAG) yesterday, when aggrieved lecturers staged a rally to protest non-payment of their accumulated earned allow­ances.

The campus lost its peace as many senior lecturers, includ­ing members of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU), and other allied union leaders, marched like soldiers, denouncing the re­gime of, “arbitrariness in pro­motion criteria.”

An insider in the univer­sity told our reporter that the academic staff had been bat­tling the management over non-payment of accumulated earned allowances. They ac­cused the management of sit­ting on the allowances, and threatened immediate show­down to press home their de­mands.

The Deputy Vice Chancel­lor (Management Services), Prof Duro Oni, told Daily Sun that the situation was due to cash squeeze.

“The Committee on Earned Allowances met on Thursday, November 6, at which, all the chairmen of the unions were present. No Kobo has been re­ceived from the government and all the unions are aware,” he said. A senior lecturer at the De­partment of Political Science, Dr. Adelaja Odukoya, who led the rally, reeled out their griev­ances, accusing the university of treating lecturers like second class citizens

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