Shekarau stresses need for African varsities directory

A COMPREHENSIVE directory of African universities is vital for easy identification of approved institutions, the Minister of Education, Ibrahim Shekarau, has said.

Represented at the opening ceremony of the meeting of ECOWAS Ministers in Charge of Higher Education in Abuja by the Minister of State for Education, Prof. Viola Onwuliri, Shekarau noted that such directory would equally enhance the quality of learning in African universities.

“We need a directory of approved African universities so that our children will find the appropriate institutions to acquire quality education,” he said.

“Most of the universities Africans attend abroad are mere business centres and fall short of the standard of the schools citizens of such countries attend. They cannot employ graduates produced by such universities, so why should our children study in such schools?”

Shekarau further urged ECOWAS member-states to accept single disposition of the Arusha Convention under UNESCO and to sign and ratify it in order to promote mutual recognition of academic qualification across Africa.

He commended the Nigerian Universities Commission (NUC) for always having an updated directory of approved universities in Nigeria and also making public the illegal ones. Against that background, he urged other West African countries to emulate NUC in order to improve the quality of education in the sub-region.

Sheakarau said the essence of the meeting was to take stock of higher education and research in the region with a view to improving access and quality. He tasked the ministers to, among others, discuss the Pan-African University (PAU) project, especially the nomination of persons for the post of President and Vice President of its council.

He disclosed that the Federal Government has released N70 million to the institute to supplement its operational costs.

He added: “Nigeria has also approved the release N250 million being her seed money granted to the institute for building an administrative block, classrooms, lecture theatre and part of the hostel facility for students. It is disheartening that very often, member-states do not respond to issues as expected.”

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