‘Educate public on democracy, Ebola’

The Emir of Gombe, Abubakar Shehu Abubakar III, has urged broadcast stations in the country to do more in enlightening the public on the tenets of democracy, peaceful co-existence and the Ebola virus.

The Emir stated this on Monday, when the Chairman of the Broadcasting Organisations of Nigeria, Mallam Abubakar Jijiwa, paid him a courtesy visit in his palace.

Abubakar said the people relied so much on radio and television for information. Therefore, he said the two instruments should not disappoint members of the public.

The Emir, who praised the efforts of BON in harmonising the activities of radio and television stations in Nigeria, asked the BON chairman to air more enlightenment programmes on the digitisation deadline before the switch-over in order not to catch anyone unawares.

Earlier, Jijiwa had sympathised with the monarch on the loss of his father. He also commend the Emir for maintaining the peace in his domain.

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