Gourmet school meals, exam incentives fail and classrooms of the future

Education round up: School dinners get a Michelin makeover in Manchester, culture not curriculum spells educational success in Asia and Tristram Hunt hits back at Cameron
Sleepy student 
School dinners. Top chefs Adam Leavy and Sukhdev Singh have swapped their jobs at one of the UK’s most prestigious restaurants to dish up gourmet grub for children at Loreto high school in Chorlton, south
Manchester. So far, the pair’s kale chips and truffles are going down a treat.
East Asian education. What’s the secret of students’ success in China and South Korea? Politicians will be disappointed to read a new study by the Institute of Education which claims that culture plays a major role in their success not just curriculums.
Bad week for
Student reward schemes. Incentives make no difference to GCSE exam results, according to a major study. The £1.6m project involving 10,000 children found that not even the promise of cash and free trips improved performance.
Politicians. The shadow education secretary, Tristram Hunt, and David Cameron have been spatting after the PM cited Hunt’s private education as evidence of Labour party “hypocrisy” over its schools policy. Hunt bit back this week calling the Tory leader a “low-rent PR man”. Ouch.
What you’re saying
We had a lovely blog from @EsmeKettle this week about how, seven years into practising, she wasn’t sure she really knew how to teach. This struck a chord with plenty of teachers on Twitter. But there was also some great debate in the comments section about what this means for teachers of students with special education needs. Add your thoughts here.

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