Tetfund trains 10,000 lecturers in Nigeria

THE Executive Secretary, Tertiary Education Trust Fund (Tetfund), Prof. Suleiman Elias Bogoro has disclosed that funds intervention on academic and staff training and development in Africa is among the best in the world.

  He said no fewer than 10,363 members of the academic and non-academic staff of public institutions in the country have been trained by Tetfund between 2010 and 2014.
   Prof. Bogoro made the disclosure while speaking as a guest speaker at the 27th Annual General Meeting and International Conference of Nigeria Institute of Mechanical Engineers in Bauchi yesterday.
   Presenting a paper titled, “Capacity building and infrastructure development in Nigeria: The Tetfund intervention in Nigerian public tertiary education institutions” said that 3,270 university staff benefited, including polytechnics and colleges of education respectively.
   He said that 1,633 doctorate degree holders were trained abroad while 3,041 were trained in the country.
   “We have identified a number of thesis and development into books in order to encourage book publication. We will continue to do everything to encourage book publication. Our mandate as an intervention agency is to fill the gap of what is lacking in Nigerian public institutions.”
   Bogoro regretted that most tertiary institutions depend on the fund for infrastructural  development, saying that, “when you visit any institution over 90 percent of the structures are as a result of Tetfund interventions.

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