Nigerian graduates serving as drivers, cooks in Dubai

The National Chairman of Allied Congress Party of Nigeria, Chief Olu Okunriboye, has said that many young Nigerian graduates who emigrate to Dubai do menial jobs by working as drivers and cooks.

Ikere Ndubi: Our youths would continue to be cooks and drivers in foreign lands, because our self-imposed leaders who come into power through political violence and rigging are not concerned about the plight of the younger generation and indeed the citizenry. In all sincerity, our political leaders and elite are more determined on how to line their pockets with government funds for personal use such as sending their children abroad for education, medical tourism, acquisition of private jets and flashy cars and illicit love affairs.

Mushin Speaks: This is what you get when 20.3 million youths between 15-35 are jobless – according to the bureau of statistics. Also, 47.8 million Nigerians between 15-60 are jobless; 112.5 million Nigerians are poor and live below $2 per day – a staggering 70 per cent of the population.

For a meaningful change to occur in this country, we just have to vote right in the coming elections. Why vote the present government when they can’t even provide basic amenities for graduates like us? Why should we re-elect someone that can’t dignify our lives and finds it difficult to provide an enabling environment for youths to secure jobs? Let us act right and vote right, come February 2015.

Sunday: It’s even worse in the UK and USA where most Nigerian graduates do far degrading menial jobs. Many of them are stuck over there due to lack of legal immigration papers and lack enough money to buy travel tickets to their home country. The massive looting of public fund by our politicians and top civil servants needs to stop to free up money to create more job opportunities in Nigeria.

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