Teacher bags life jail for defiling 11-year-old pupil

A Benin High Court has sentenced a 35-year-old teacher, Bright Asiruwa, to life imprisonment for defiling an 11-year-old primary school pupil. The convict, a teacher to the victim, was said to have defiled her in 2007.

The trial of the case started at an Abudu High Court in 2008 and was later transferred to a High Court in Benin.

Prosecuting counsel, Nelson Okojie, had told the court that Asiruwa defiled his pupil at Osazuwa Primary School in Ehor, the administrative headquarters of Uhunmwode Local Government Area of the state.

The trial Judge, Justice G. O. Imadegbelo, pronounced the teacher guilty of rape and sentenced him to life imprisonment.

Reacting to the judgement, the elder brother of the victim, Mr. Zini Braima, said: “As a matter of fact, I am happy and I give glory to God that justice is done today by the court because from the beginning of that case, we have been praying that what we need is justice,” adding that, all the family wanted was justice.

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