LAUTECH Teaching Hospital Gets NAFDAC Endorsement to Produce Children Drugs

The Ladoke Akintola University of Technology Teaching Hospital in Osun State has secured registration for the manufacturing of two drugs for children medication from National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC).
The feat was made possible through the hospital's drug production outfit incorporated as LAUTECH Pharmaceutical Company Limited.

In a letter dated September 23rd, 2014 and signed by Mr. K.O. Mamudu, on behalf of the NAFDAC’s Director General, the agency, conveyed the approval to the institution with assigned registration numbers B4_3252 for Lautech Vitamin C syrup,100ml and B4_3253 for Lautech Paracetamol syrup,60ml.
In his reaction, the chief medical director of the hospital, Professor Solomon Olufemi Fadiora described the registration as a positive development.

He said with the registration, LAUTECH pharmaceutical Company Limited can now embark on mass production of medication for the consumption of children from ages 0 to 12 years and can also markets its products to patients within and outside the hospital.
According to Prof.Fadiora, LAUTECH Teaching Hospital is the first and only teaching hospital in Nigeria that has been so licensed to produce drugs for its patients and other interested consumers.
He assured NAFDAC and the public that LAUTECH Pharmaceutical Company Limited will ensure quality control in the production of the approved syrups.

LAUTECH Pharmaceutical Company Ltd is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (C.A.C) with registration number RC 1113579.
The Pharmacists Council of Nigeria (PCN) had earlier granted LAUTECH Teaching Hospital full recognition and authority to commence manufacturing of drugs in the country.
Meanwhile, the hospital has also commenced the production of hand sanitizers, a specially designed prepared medication to sanitize hands against infections.

The sanitiser according the teaching hospital is effective against bacteria and virus as it contains anti-viral agents with high percentage of alcohol and other essential ingredients.
Professor Fadiora enjoined other government agencies, educational institutions, corporate bodies and the society at large to take advantage of the sanitiser against the dreaded Ebola virus.

According to a statement on its website, LAUTECH Teaching Hospital said its important work in drug production makes “the drug production unit makes us the leading and the fastest growing Teaching Hospital in Nigeria.”
That drug production facilities of LAUTECH Teaching Hospital was commissioned in December 2012 by the Osun State Governor, Rauf Aregbesola

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