Oyo NUT directs teachers to resume work

THE Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT), Oyo State Wing, has directed all teachers in the state to resume school on Wednesday as directed by the state Ministry of Education.

This directive of the union came as a result of the clearance sought and secured by the state wing from the national head office of the union which has directed teachers in states where government has made frantic safety and preventive efforts at preventing Ebola virus outbreak in schools to resume schools.

The union has therefore called on government in the state to beef up and sustain efforts at further strategising through the various government educational agencies to supply necessary health facilities to schools with a view to promoting hygienic living conditions in public schools.

Teachers are also advised to make good use of the few materials which government claimed to have supplied to schools in the state and should also endeavour to promote broad and widest sensitisation on the Ebola virus among the school children on resumption.

The union also felicitated with entire teachers of Oyo State on this festive occasion of the Eid el Kabr celebration and wished them happy and Ebola free school resumption.

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